Provide support, counselling and advice to children and young people in crisis (primarily but not exclusively 11-18 year olds).
Provide support, counselling and parenting advice to the families in crisis.
Act as a specialist referral and signposting service for children, teens, parents and their providers regarding counselling and support.
Promote volunteering and involvement amongst children and teens.
In the longer term, our aims are to extend our services to younger children (7-11 yrs) and their families.
Kids Trust specialises in supporting the specific cultural requirements of the members of the Jewish community who do not access the services currently available.
Kids Trust enables teens in crisis to realise their potential, turn their lives around, sustain employment and become fully functional and productive members of society.
Kids Trust enables the families of teens in crisis to deal with their situation and get on with their lives.
What to look out for and what to do
- Signs of depression
- Drugs
- Addictions
- Suicide
- etc...
Go to your hospital
Give us a call - contacts
Office for National Statistics
Office for National Statistics shows that there were 46,705 children on child protection registers or the subject of child protection plans in the UK on 31 March 2010. In 2010 alone there was 17,200 cases of neglect.
To see the NSPCC official statistics please press the link
It is not just the state that provides help to children who have problems - voluntary organisations and charities also play a role.
Last year Childline, which runs a 24-hr free telephone counselling service for children, received over 800,000 calls and letters. Almost...
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